Who can drive a snowmobile?
Under 12 Years of age: You are not permitted to drive snowmobiles in the Municipality of the City of Yellowknife.
12 to 15 years of age: You may drive in the off-road areas of the municipality if
- you have successfully completed the City of Yellowknife Snowmobile Safety Course through Arctic Response; and
- you are under the immediate supervision and control of a person 18 years of age or older who has a valid driver's licence or who has successfully completed the Snowmobile Safety Course.
16 years of age or older:
- You may drive a snowmobile on permitted streets and off-road areas of the city, if you have a valid driver's licence; or
- You may drive a snowmobile in permitted off-road areas of the municipality if you have successfully completed the Snowmobile Safety Course.
Registration and Insurance:
To operate a snowmobile within the city boundaries, you need licence plates (registration) and insurance. Licence plates must be displayed on both sides of the snowmobile and display validation stickers for the current year. Licence plates and stickers are available at City Hall in the Municipal Enforcement office. You will also receive your registration permit which must be carried with you and produced on demand of a Peace Officer. Insurance requirements are the same as for automobiles and you must carry your pink card with you when operating a snowmobile.
To register your snowmobile, you can visit us at the lower level of City Hall during business hours. You can also email us your insurance and bill of sale (if not previously registered with the City of Yellowknife) at medadmin@yellowknife.ca. Please note that you will need to come to City Hall to pick up your validation stickers and licence plates (if applicable). Please email or call us at (867) 920-5630 with any questions.
Where can you drive a snowmobile in the city?
Snowmobiles are permitted on most streets, alleys, highways, and off road areas. However, you must not drive a snowmobile in the following areas:
- Any school play areas, playgrounds, parks or recreational facilities, cemeteries or any area where signs prohibit the use of snowmobiles.
- Streets in the downtown core bounded by 48 Street, 54 Street, 49 Avenue, and 51 Avenue.
- Private property without receiving permission from the property owner.
- The ski club trail system.
- The greens at the golf course.
- The McMahon Frame Lake Trail system between the Hospital and City Hall and the Museum, or any board walk or stairs on this trail system.
- The Range Lake Trail system between Parker Recreational Field and the Center Ice Plaza.
- The children's sliding area in the open space at 55 Street between 50A Avenue and 51A Avenue.
- The area known as the Toboggan Hill, off Highway #3 near the power plant at Jackfish Lake.
- The area known as the Bristol Pit.
There are limits on speed!
On roads: Observe the posted speed limit to a maximum of 45 km/h even in the 70 km/h zones. If there is no posted speed limit, you must not exceed 30 km/h.
Off roads: 30 km/h maximum in Zone "A" (the built up areas of the city); and 70 km/h maximum in Zone "B." The fine for speeding can be $100.00 or more!
General Information
Rules of the Road: On the road, obey all signs and practice good driving habits. The same basic rules apply when driving a car or snowmobile. Be cautious and remember the braking limitations of your snowmobile and the conditions at the time. Keep as far right as possible when on the roads. Stay in single file. Do not drive on the sidewalks.
Helmets: Helmet use is compulsory. Only helmets bearing one of the following certification labels are acceptable: CSA D-230, DOT218 or SNELL M90.
Safety Reminders:
- Always drive at a speed that will allow you to stop safely, even if it is below the speed limit.
Be mindful of, and slow down for, other trail users such as hikers, skiers, skaters and dogsleds.
Helmets are mandatory for all snowmobile riders and operators.
Remember to dress appropriately and let someone know where you’re going and when you expect to return.
OFF LIMITS: The area zoned "Nature Preservation" adjacent to Ragged Ass Road is restricted from snowmobile use. There are several established trails which travel through this area to allow access onto Great Slave Lake. All snowmobilers are asked to stay on these trails so as to protect this natural area and its wildlife. Please be a responsible snowmobiler!