Residential Curbside Cart Program
The City of Yellowknife has implemented a two-cart waste system with a biweekly collection schedule for single family dwellings in residential areas as part of the Curbside Cart Program. Carts must be properly placed for pick-up prior to 7:00 am on collection day.
Your home should have a black cart for garbage collection and a green cart for organics collection. Please make a note of the Serial Numbers that are on the side of each cart in large white ink. The Serial Number will help the City to track, repair and recover your cart in the event that it is damaged or goes missing.
Any problems with your garbage/compost carts or the collection, please submit a ticket for "Curbside Cart Maintenance" via the Click and Fix YK reporting system. Be prepared to provide the address the cart is registered to and the Serial Number on the cart.
At the bottom of this page you can verify your collection schedule, as well as create/print off a schedule personalized for your address using the "Get a calendar" button on the "My Schedule" feature below. You are also able to sign up to receive reminders prior to your collection day using the "Get a reminder!" button.
Green Compost Cart Tips |
Only organics and certified compostable materials are accepted in the green compost carts. Separating your food scraps into your green cart can make a big difference. When food and yard waste is buried in the landfill, it doesn't break down or turn into compost/soil. Follow these tips for separating food scraps and using your green compost cart successfully:
Black Garbage Cart Tips |
Follow these tips for using your black garbage cart successfully:
Cart Placement |
The curbside cart program requires proper placement of your cart. View the following maps and diagram to know how to place your cart:
Please note: Under the Solid Waste Management By-Law, garbage and compost carts can be placed at the appropriate collection location after 6:00 pm the night before collection or before 7:00 am the morning of collection to ensure that the cart is collected. |
Cul-de-Sac Cart Placement |
The City of Yellowknife has painted lines in cul-de-sacs to improve cart placement for the black and green carts. Residents are asked to place their carts inside one painted box with the wheels placed against the back of the box. Proper placement will help ensure that the contents of your cart are collected. Carts must be placed for pick-up prior to 7:00 am on collection day. |
Cart Placement during Snow Removal |
The City of Yellowknife needs your cooperation to ensure snow removal and garbage/compost collection is a smooth process. Streets must be clear of obstacles for operators to perform snow removal in the early hours of the morning. Signs are placed 24 hours in advance in areas of snow removal to inform residents that snow removal will be taking place. The City would also like to remind residents that once garbage carts have been emptied, they are to be returned to your property as soon as possible. This will ensure streets are clear for snow road removal and maintenance. The City appreciates your assistance in this matter to ensure a smooth snow removal transition. |
My garbage/compost cart wasn't emptied, who do I talk to? |
Residential garbage and compost cart pick-up is on a bi-weekly collection schedule. You can verify the collection schedule for your address at the bottom of this page. If your curbside cart was indeed not emptied on the correct date, please submit a ticket for "Curbside Cart Maintenance" via the Click and Fix YK reporting system. |
My black garbage cart is always full. How do I reduce my garbage waste? |
Green cart for the win! Utilize your green compost cart for all of the food waste from your household kitchen to reduce waste in your black garbage cart. Visit the Composting page for a list of acceptable materials/items for the green compost cart. Recycling plastics, glass, cardboard and paper is extremely important in reducing waste. The City of Yellowknife has provided endless access recycling blue bin stations throughout the City. Effort to reuse and repurpose items as well as trying to avoid buying single-use items such as plastic cutlery, straws, plates and cups can make a huge difference in your garbage waste! |
What do I do with my electronics, batteries and other electrical items that plug-in? |
The City of Yellowknife encourages everyone to participate in recycling electronics and electrical products at The Bottle Depot for free! The GNWT has provided a massive list of over 500 products that can be recycled free of charge which prevents the items from being put into the SWF landfill. |