The City of Yellowknife requires all persons, organizations and businesses to obtain a Film Licence when filming on municipal lands for corporate or commercial use. Please read through the Filming Guidelines before applying for a licence. Applications for a Film Licence need to be made to the department of Economic Opportunities and Investments no less than ten (10) days in advance of the filming start date.
How to Apply for a Film Licence:
- Read through the City of Yellowknife Filming Guidelines, the Filming Licence Agreement and Hold Harmless Agreement before submitting an application.
- Submit a Production Information Form to apply for a Filming Licence no less than ten (10) days before filming is set to commence.
- Submit a copy of your insurance to
- The Department of Economic Opportunities and Investments will review your application.
- The Department of Economic Opportunities and Investments will communicate with the applicant on additional documentation, special requests, and payment (if applicable).
- Once all documentation is reviewed, a customized version of the Filming Licence Agreement and Hold Harmless Agreement will be sent for the applicants signature, and then will be counter-signed by the City.
Please note: It is the applicants responsibility to inform the City of any changes to the scope of their filming project outside of what was submitted on the original Production Information Form. Any updates can be sent to
Applicable Documents:
- Filming Guidelines
- Production Information Form
- Filming Licence Agreement and Hold Harmless Agreement
- Orderly Use of Highway Permit Application (Road Closures)
Applicable By-laws:
It is the applicants responsibility to comply with applicable City By-laws throughout the filming of their project. A list of all City of Yellowknife By-laws can be found here.
For your convenience, common by-laws that may affect your film project can be found below: