The City of Yellowknife provides a variety of programs and services for seniors.
As a Senior Citizen, can I receive a tax break?
Property owners who are 65 years of age or older may be eligible for property tax relief of up to $2,000 per year on their primary residence.
To apply, complete the Tax Relief Form and submit it to the City or visit City Hall during regular office hours.
Are Senior Citizens eligible for parking meter exemption?
Yes! According to section 20(2) of Parking By-law No. 5053, Senior Citizens may also apply to get a parking meter exemption sticker if they are the only driver of the vehicle. These parking stickers must be affixed to the lower right hand corner of the windshield of the vehicle. Under this by-law, a Senior Citizen is defined as a person who is 60 years or older. You can apply for parking exemption by visiting the Municipal Enforcement Division at City Hall.
What about Seniors rates for Recreational Skating?
The City offers reduced rates for Senior Citizens for Public Skating. For rates please see Fees and Charges By-law.
How about swimming at Ruth Inch Memorial Pool?
The City also offers reduced rates for Senior Citizens at Ruth Inch Memorial Pool. For rates please see Fees and Charges By-law.
How about walking track at the Fieldhouse?
The City also offers reduced rates for Senior Citizens at the Yellowknife Fieldhouse. For rates please see Fees and Charges By-law.
Are there any community groups in Yellowknife for Seniors?
Yes! The Yellowknife Seniors' Society can be reached at 873-9475, or by visiting the Baker Centre at 5710 - 50 Avenue. You can also check out the Yellowknife Seniors' Society website to find out about more opportunities for Seniors in Yellowknife.