The Council of the City of Yellowknife is comprised of eight Councillors and one Mayor who are elected for four year terms.
Council meetings are held in the Council Chamber at City Hall on the second and fourth Monday of each month (except July, August and December) at 7:00 p.m. and are open to the public.
City Council and Standing Committee agendas, minutes, livestreams and recordings of meetings are available for public viewing using the Council Calendar.
Tentative 2025 Council and Committee Calendar
Public Participation
Any person who wishes to speak at a City Council meeting may do so provided that notice is first given to the City Clerk's Office at (867) 920-5602 or, no later than 10:00 a.m. on the Thursday preceding the Council meeting. Delegations (or presentations as they are more commonly known) pertaining to items on the agenda are heard by Council shortly after the meeting convenes. Delegations pertaining to items not at the agenda are heard generally after the business of the meeting has been dealt with. While there is no limit to the number of presentations which may be made by the public, the length of each is limited to five minutes. In the interest of time, presenters are urged to refrain from repeating the same information as previous speakers.
The meetings of Council and its Committees are regulated by the rules contained in the Council Procedures By-law. Procedures have evolved over the years and are intended to facilitate efficient handling of Council business. The provisions of the Procedures By-law are observed both by Council and by its Committees.
From left: Cat McGurk, Garett Cochrane, Ben Hendriksen, Ryan Fequet, Rebecca Alty, Stacie Arden-Smith, Steve Payne, Robert Warburton and Tom McLennan.
Member of Council | Email Address |
All Members of Council | |
Mayor Rebecca Alty | |
Councillor Garett Cochrane | |
Councillor Ryan Fequet | |
Councillor Ben Hendriksen | |
Councillor Cat McGurk | |
Councillor Tom McLennan | |
Councillor Stacie Arden-Smith | |
Councillor Steve Payne | |
Councillor Rob Warburton | |